Re-giving pedagogy the interdisciplinary intensity of its voice

Vincenzo Antonio Piccione


In the last two decades the pedagogical cultural and scientific area has been mainly discussing about its statute, its reference subjects, its reference objectives, its reference contents; it was, perhaps, the consequence produced by interdisciplinary approaches, or, perhaps, by the need of adopting interdisciplinary approaches, or, perhaps, by the need of better defining additional directions and designs to pedagogical research. This paper does not aim at giving any contribution to this debate; it aims at stating that several effects of present changes ask pedagogical approaches to be renewed and innovated; its attention focuses on learners, on their present learning, cognitive, social, individual, communicational, expressive, lexical, emotional, affective styles; it focuses on their central position within all educational settings. This paper will shortly comment the effects of some significant changes, whose impact on all the mentioned styles is so deep that the need of re-considering the education’s cores is actually realistic, in terms of a meaningful re-orientation from a pedagogy which supports didactical approaches for competences to a pedagogy which supports didactical approaches for educational objectives.


pedagogical approaches; educational care; narrative thinking.

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ISSN: 2035-4630, Open-acess, peer-reviewed Journal, Tribunale di Roma 142/09, 04/05/09 - dir. responsabile: G. Colajacomo

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