Energy-Information Exchange Approach to the Ethics Web Regulation

Olena Valeriyivna Andriienko


  • Purpose of research is rethinking the basic legal concepts in view of two key terms of modern science: energy and information, and role of the psyche in their exchange.
  • Methodology/approach constitutes five principles: any object exists as a structured consistent flow of energy and information and is in the permanent inner and outer exchange; energy transforms permanently into information and vice versa; exchanged processes creates clusters named levels of virtualization; the psyche is an independent physical force that creatively forms and regulates information-energy exchange, moving between levels of virtualization and driving meanings.
  • Results apply the mentioned principles for revision of legal ecosystem, namely principles of regulation, especially freedom of interpretation as the tool for dividing the energy-informational flow into fragments shaped by the meaning nucleus (ethics, science and religion are sources of such meanings). These fragments constitute a transforming circle of subjects and objects of law relations (subjectivity of artificial intelligence; uber-phenomena and cryptocurrency as objects). The efficient and ethics regulative environment, tools and sources are based on collective consciousness, crowdsourcing, customs development.
  • Discussion section/research limitations are caused by format of conceptual paper: many applied aspects were voluntarily ignored.
  • Practical/social implication is in inspiring to rethinking of the basic legal constructs for the ethics legal (including Web) regulation development.
  • Originality/value is in a synthetic approach on intercrossing of jurisprudence, psychology and informational technologies that let organize energy-informational exchange flow in efficient way.


Energy; information; psyche; virtualization; freedom of interpretation; meaning; legal regulation; crowdsourcing

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ISSN: 2035-4630, Open-acess, peer-reviewed Journal, Tribunale di Roma 142/09, 04/05/09 - dir. responsabile: G. Colajacomo

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